Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fight Night

This weekend the boys ordered the UFC fight...apparently Layla (one of my dads twins) likes it too. She treated Ty as her recliner and just kicked back and watched the show.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Date Night!

Last weekend Ty and I went goofy golfing with Tucker and Alisha. Being the competitive couple that we are, we challenged them and said the losers had to buy ice cream. Well... we didn't do so great. We lost. But when it was all said and done, I was victorious! I beat Ty, by two. Earlier in the night I had beat up on him in a little game called Fast and Furious as well. It was a good day for me. :) AND an even better day for Ty. He was such a good sport and didn't even get mad that I beat him, twice. See - this picture was taken AFTER, and he is still smiling!

We love babies!

Aunt Page had her sweet little baby Jade on April 21st. Landyn is such a cute big sister! She always says Jade is hers... "MY BABY". Pagey is glad she had the girls in the order she did... Landyn was a wild baby. Sweet as can be but definitely was full of energy from the beginning... Jade is as mellow as they come, she just goes with whatever. Which is good, because Landyn is still that wild and crazy girl. Loves being outside with papa and all the cousins and animals. She was born to be a cowgirl...

Other News... we will be having another addition to our family. My beautiful sister Kari makes such darling kids, with Buddha's help I suppose, that they have decided to add one more to the mix! They are expecting #6 in December. We are all so excited. They were going to wait a while to tell everyone, but they told their kids and Gabbi couldn't hold it in. She told her kindergarten teacher the next day and so now we all get to know. Thanks Gab! :)

I cant wait to meet the new addition!! Boy or Girl?? I think they'll be having another girl...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

House Hunters

We are currently trying to find a home to start our new life in... It has been fun, frustrating, and unsuccessful thus far. I think I have honestly looked at 300+ homes via the Internet, and from there probably walked through about 30 or so. Some have been great, while others were totally trashed by the bitter previous owners who decided to tear up their foreclosing home. Its really frustrating to walk into a house that could be SO great, only to find there is nothing left (carpet, lights, windows) , or they flooded it before they left (resulting in a smell I am unable to describe), or they lived in such filth until their move out date that it would have to be gutted anyways... Hopefully we will find one that we both love, and that loves our wallets too!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Welcome to our blog!

Rather than just blog-stocking everyone, I decided Ty and I needed a blog of our own. Hopefully I can keep everyone updated on our life and our upcoming wedding!!