Tuesday, May 19, 2009

House Hunters

We are currently trying to find a home to start our new life in... It has been fun, frustrating, and unsuccessful thus far. I think I have honestly looked at 300+ homes via the Internet, and from there probably walked through about 30 or so. Some have been great, while others were totally trashed by the bitter previous owners who decided to tear up their foreclosing home. Its really frustrating to walk into a house that could be SO great, only to find there is nothing left (carpet, lights, windows) , or they flooded it before they left (resulting in a smell I am unable to describe), or they lived in such filth until their move out date that it would have to be gutted anyways... Hopefully we will find one that we both love, and that loves our wallets too!


  1. Been there... We found some crazy stuff, including a young man as high as a kite rocking

  2. Dani! so cool you have a blog. good luck house hunting. aaron and i will be doing the same thing here in a couple months. we're thinking gilbert. can't wait to actually see houses in person instead of just over the internet.

  3. oh and of course congratulations on your engagement!!!
