So I had an fantastic drive into work yesterday morning. I always listen to John Jay and Rich in the mornings, they are hilarious. Anyways, I usually try to answer the question for the tired and brain dead, and I get it right quite often in my I called in. My call went right through on the first try. The question was "What is the number one excuse girls use to either not go out on a date, or get out of a date they are currently on?" And the answer is..."Tell them you have to go console a girlfriend going through a breakup". I really did use that excuse one time, so it just came to me and it was
RIGHT! So now, I will be sitting fifth row at
AMERICAN IDOL on Monday with Mangie. It is going to be so fun!!

Side note: I must be pretty good at that game, I actually got it right a few months ago and won a DVD. But this is a way better prize!
I am jealous. That is so way cool congratulations!